Wednesday, October 8, 2014

That List

     So, it just hit one in the morning, and I should be getting to sleep. Instead, as usual, my mind won't shut up with the lists of things I should be doing, the photos I should be creating, and problems I cannot, in fact, fix at one in the morning. But, the moon is up, and as seems my curse, so am I.
     I used to hate lists, and the bane of my existence was (and still is) "New Years Resolutions." I don't understand how how people think the change of date means something so grand that it could change your life. I like the idea of change and changing things, but I'm not going to base my self changing around a calendar. Now that I put it that way, it seems silly that I ever did. But seasons? Now that's a whole different subject. I will follow mother nature.
    The point I'm trying to make here is that I'm ready for change, and as the leaves fall off the trees and the weather turns cold, I want to change as Summer changes into Autumn. I want to shake the dead leaves out of my mind and make way for the crisp, cool Fall air and plenty of apple cider. I want change.
    So, I'm going to make a list. Maybe not of things to change, par se, but a list of things I can accomplish with some change. It'll be a list of goals.

That List:
1. Make it into a publication of any kind (magazine, gallery, blog, etc).
2. Meet more photographers.
3. Befriend said photographers
4. 25 shoots before Christmas. Not 25 photos, 25 shoots. I need to get off my lazy butt and create.
5. Plan out shoots more often instead of coming up with something as I walk up to the shoot.
6. Learn more.
7. Dream more.
8. Create more.

    These are in no particular order, and they honestly won't make much sense to anyone but me, but this blog really isn't for anyone but me, so I'll be selfish tonight. I'm going to finally lay down, finish my tea, and maybe, just maybe, I'll finally get some sleep.