Sunday, June 12, 2016

In Wake of the Orlando Shooting: Dear Islamic State

Dearest Islamic State, 

I am sad. I am deeply and horribly sad. 

I cannot empathize with you, nor can I say that I can see justifications in your actions through your eyes. You speak of a God who has brought nothing but hurt and fear to the world. But to me, this isn't and cannot be a God. Instead, I see it as it truly is: a horrible teaching that has brainwashed your entire community. You think that your actions are going to bring you eternal glory, you are horribly wrong. There is not a heaven waiting for anyone who murders innocent citizens. There is not a heaven for those who bomb countries and promote fear. There is no heaven for you. None. 

You have hurt America and you have hurt me. America is a country with cuts and bruises, but we are strong. We have each other's back. Trying to tear us about by killing our people does not work. With each death you bring, our bonds grow tighter. America grows closer. Our military grows stronger. 

We do not fear you. We hate you and everything that you stand for. We mourn for those who have been lost and brace ourselves for the future. We are not afraid. Love and light always win.

The LGBT community did not deserve the pain and fear you have brought to it's community last evening. Those people you killed have daughters, sons, brothers, and partners that now mourn them because of your selfishness and stupidity. Those lost will never come home to their family, not celebrate another birthday, Christmas, or New Year. You have taken bright, beautiful souls from the world and tried to replace them with hatred. How dare you to think you have the right to kill my brothers and sisters.

I want to yell and scream at you. I want to make your pay for those you have hurt. I want to kill every member of your community, but I know that would only make me as foul as you are. Look at yourselves and the destruction you have caused to the world. You've tried to destroy every kind hearted bit of humanity, but you continue to fail. From the ashes and pain, good prevails. 

America does not fear you. We will stand tall and defend our country.


An American