Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Day I Met My Best Friend...

     Well, I talked about one of them, so I MUST talk about the other... Everyone, meet Dale! He's basically my Canadian other half.

      I met this little one over YouTube. Yeah, yeah. I have a youtube channel... I'm one of "Those Kids." Anyways,  I really started caring about YouTube after I went to Playlist Live in March and started to find other YouTubers to collab with and get inspired by. Somehow -Dale and I still cannot remember- we found each other, and as they say, the rest was history.

     Dale and I became close friends quickly. I don't think I've had someone in my life quite like Dale, and I couldn't be happier. He's so kind and caring, and usually knows just what to say when you're upset. I think one of the best (and funniest) things Dale's ever done for me is calming me down after I had a breakdown when the hairdresser gave me 90's style highlights. It was horrible then, but looking back, it's kinda funny. I knew he was my best friend when there way no one else I wanted to talk to then but him. There's been a lot of moments like that since, and yet, every time he's still there for me. I'm so lucky.

     Now, this friendship is not one sided. I like to think I've helped Dale bunches after a really hard break up a few months back. It's so hard to see someone you care so much about hurt, and be 1,000 miles away with no way to comfort them. We made it work, but then something amazing happened.
     Most people wouldn't find the idea of of driving 10 hours in a car with air conditioning that decided to quit working around hour 5 that appealing of an experience, but I'm not most people. I was offered the job of taking an old friend's wedding photos in Michigan, and hopped on the chance to go North. Not only to take their wonderful photos, but also because I would be an hour from the border of Canada. Where. Dale. Lives.

     I told him the great news and he was more than willing to drive the 4 hours across country to see me. What kind of person does that!? Well, I guess a best friend does...

     Besides being crazy busy because of the wedding on Saturday, I had one of the best weekends of my life with this one. Austen came with to shoot the wedding and keep me awake while I drove 10 hours each way. It was great to have both of my best friends together at the same time, and I cannot wait to see Dale again in February. We have a trip to Florida planned with all our YouTube friends and it's going to be even better than Michigan! If that's even possible!

     But, on to the part most of you are here for! After meeting with the beautiful couple on Friday night, we managed to capture the last few moments of sunlight and have a quick shoot. Dale and I had always talked about shooting together, and it was surreal to be able to do it! We only had about 10 minutes of light left, but I think we made the most of it!

      I captured a few lovely head shots:

  And then, we both agreed that a conceptual shoot HAD to happen... With like 2 minutes of light left and no tripod... BUT IT WORKED! Somehow. Thank God.

     This piece is entitled, "Only You Can Pick Yourself Up"

     So, Dale? Thanks for being one of the best friends a girl could have. I love you lots, and cannot wait to see what we can create in Florida! 

     To Everyone else, thank you so much for stopping by and feel free to share this post around with your friends. It would mean a lot. 

     This photo can also be found on Flickr:

      If interested in booking a session, my you can contact me on Facebook or my website:

I really love you guys a lot. More about that later... 

- AbbieMaybe 

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